The interference of the coronavirus is not in our control. We did not initiate it. It had nothing to do with us, similar to the occurrences that we have in our personal lives with people that allow the enemy to control them. It has nothing to do with us, so why do we take it so personal?
–Taren Yolanda
Hey loves! Wow, what a world we live in today! In just this year alone, Two Thousand and Twenty, yes, 2020, the world has seen so many changes come into effect due to the Coronavirus which has caused the COVID-19 (a respiratory illness) pandemic and how it has affected people, some that are or were very close to us, some that are or were close to people that we know, and some that we will never know. It has changed the way in which we normally would operate in life. The one where masks weren’t required, you could hang out have a great time with friends or hug and kiss your loved ones without fear of “Spreading the virus through droplets released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.” implied by John Hopkins, and the most worrisome part about this virus is that a person can be a carrier but does not have any symptoms at all, which is called asymptomatic. As a result, not only do we have to wear mask but, we have to socially distance ourselves at least six feet from each other. So, that takes away the tight, suck the hurt out of you hugs that only a grandmother can give. However, as much as we want to, we DO NOT have any control over what is happening, all we can do is educate ourselves and follow the CDC’s guidelines of not spreading it, in hopes that the number of coronavirus deaths and cases will decline. My question here is: Why are you mad again? The interference of the coronavirus is not in our control. We did not initiate it. It had nothing to do with us, similar to the occurrences that we have in our personal lives with people that allow the enemy to control them. It has nothing to do with us, so why do we take it so personal?

OKAY NOW, are you ready? You know I am about to take it there. We know that the enemy rules the world, but only by the permission of God. 1 John 5:19 (NIV) says, “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” His job is to have us turn against God and anything that is good. He does not care who he uses. It could be your mama, your daddy, your brother, your sister even your kids and yep, I’m going to just put it out there your grandma too. It tells us in the Bible, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” (1Peter5:8 KJV). So, again, I’m going to pose the question. Why are you mad again and it does not have anything to do with you? Let me tell you why, because if he knows that he can operate through someone close to you (or anyone for that matter) to get to you. He will! Therefore, when we are into disagreements with others over things that they have done or said to hurt us, disrespects us, or just simply just rubbed us the wrong way. The enemy knows that you will let your thoughts particularly, when you are emotional control your actions and also what you verbally put out. So, as a result, what happens when we allow our emotions to control us?
When we allow our emotions, feelings and warped thoughts lead “all hell brakes lose”. Yep, I said it. We begin to get offended and immediately jump to the defense and have to clear our name, hurt others with words like they tried to hurt us. We become so angry almost to the point where we are about to explode. Even so, before we get to that point, we should pause and pray and really think, is the situation that serious to us where we would let it take our joy away and raise our blood pressure at the same time. Dalai Lama, has a quote that says, “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” How do we master that?
Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.
– Dalai Lama
Hold on one minute, first, let me clarify something for a second, people do not knowingly, purposely, or willingly let the enemy operate in them. However, it is fairly easy for them to allow him to, because they are not knowledgeable or open to knowing the tricks of the enemy. Some people just react first and think about the consequences of their actions later, after all has been said and done. OK, together let’s have a transparent moment here for a second. We ALL have done this at some point and time in our lives and thought we were right and justified it, NO SHAME at all! We are human and things happen. Contrarily, when you are aware and know the tricks of the enemy ONLY by studying “the sword of the Spirit“, yes, I am referring to the Bible. By studying the word and believing what it says, you can master how to not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace or have you act out of character. When you are grounded in the word and understand that the enemy does not care who he uses to serve his purpose is when you will be able to think before you act. So, why are you mad again? It has nothing to do with you.

Nevertheless, old habits are hard to break, at the same time, as hard as it will be, we have to purpose to handle situations better and not with our emotions and feelings. You know feelings are two faced and change with whatever moment we are in; we can’t always trust or rely on them. We have to learn to step back, breathe slowly, think, pray and remember that, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”(Ephesians 6:12KJV). It is not about us. It has nothing to do with us. We are in a battle of good and evil. We have to decide when we are in the midst of controversies of any kind, with people that we love, don’t like and will never like, or people that don’t know us but think they do, how are we going to handle what the enemy is rendering through them?

Let’s be clear, I am not saying allow people to hurt and disrespect you and ignore it. OOOH WEE this is still a challenge for me as well. Keeping My Mouth Closed! Though, I am saying that once you learn and know that their behavior does not require a reaction that matches theirs, nonetheless, BE CLEVER, when you give them an unexpected, opposite of what they thought, different, more thought out and calmer reaction is when you win and handled the situation in a mature and improved manner than you normally would have. Do you know why you win? I’ll tell you, simply because you did the exact opposite of what the enemy wanted and desired you to do. You outsmarted him AND you kept your peace, blood pressure, and stress level down. GONE HEAD WITH YOUR ZOETIC AND REVAMPED SELF!!! LOL, but for real, for real, that is something to be celebrated even if you, me or whoever gives praise to ourselves internally and self admiration for making small steps in becoming a better person. AND, guess what, you will feel elated and peaceful in return. You will realize that you made an excellent choice and instantly became wiser. In life we make mistakes, we say things that we don’t mean in a rapid response to things that are/were meant to hurt us. People are not excused from their behavior, NO, NO, NOT AT ALL, we just respectfully let them know that their actions are not a reflections of ours and that we fight differently. Sure, you have heard the saying, WHEN YOU KNOW BETTER YOU DO BETTER!! As a result, we have to keep this quote in mind and remember;
When we understand people; when we understand situations; when we understand what matters; when we understand the why’s, the what’s and the how’s; when we understand the trigger of actions, we least inflict pain on ourselves and unto others.
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
With that in mind, this is when we truly conquer the concept of letting others think what they think, say what they say and feel how they feel about you, me, or anyone else and keep it moving. Yes, head held high (like you don’t have a care in the world) moving right pass them and their issues with you. That is their problem. Again, Why are you mad? It has nothing to do with you. In the end like my mama always tells me, “nothing should be renting space in your head or life for free“. We have to stop and use wisdom in certain situations that are meant to destroy our joy and take away our peace. Of course, this isn’t something that is going to happen overnight. It is going to take a lot of patience with self first and a commitment to handling negative situations as God would.
God’s reaction towards things is different from ours and He wishes that our reaction will line up with his
― Sunday Adelaja
My prayer that I lead with everyday is God, thank you for allowing me to see another day and to get things right. New day, new mercies and Lord, I just pray that my will lines up with your will for my life. I purpose to try and conquer this everyday, now, I’m not going to lie, some days are harder than others but believing, having faith and practicing makes perfect. Ok, now, so the next time that person talks about you on social media, to an acquaintance, a friend, a family member, a co worker, a church member or to you sideways, yep, I said sideways, how are you gonna handle it? Baby, you are going to handle it like a G, but one for the LORD of course! LMBO, and confuse the heck out of them and that devil. For, the last time, I am going to ask this question; do you know why you shouldn’t get mad or offended when others try to test you? Come on, by now, you should understand why and have the answer embedded in your heart and mind. It’s been on repeat, YEP, because there is not one reason that you should be mad. It does not have nothing to do with you, so handle THAT (whoever or whatever) accordingly.

Thanks for your time. Remember, #OneDayAtATime. We are #ZoeticAndRevamped (living, alive and improved) and most importantly, LOVE CONQUERS ALL, especially self love!
So Totally Zoetic and Revamped,
Taren Yolanda
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Great Read!!!
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