“This includes all kinds of people in your lives, not to mention friendships, your children, your spouses, romantic, work relationships, situation-ships (yep, I said it), codependent relationships, church and family members, basically any type of relationship that can drain your energy. Sometimes, we give so much of ourselves that we lose who we are and do not even know it or we realize it and it is too late. IT’S TIME TO RECLAIM YOUR TIME, PEACE OF MIND AND ENERGY BACK!“
Taren Yolanda

Hey, guess what? Are you tired, frustrated, taking a break from or just done with some things and people in your life? You’ve done all you possibly can to love, help, encourage, befriend and just be there for so many people and even go harder for the ones you really love, maybe you are just tired/drained of being a mom, dad, preacher, teacher or whomever. As a result, your energy is now depleted and almost on empty. Well, the time has definitely come for you to reclaim your time and move forward. Yep, YOU, it’s time to replenish, renew, restore, and reclaim what you lost or have given away so freely. It’s time to wake up, stop sleeping on you. Sometimes, you have to stop take a look, a real FOCUSED look at yourself in the mirror and REMEMBER WHO THE (nope, not gonna say it… but you know…lol) YOU ARE! You are kings, queens, children of the most high and deserving to receive all of the desires of your hearts, getting connected with the right people and last, but definitely not least, receiving all of the love and respect you deserve. However, it is imperative that this next sentence MUST be etched in your hearts and mind together (yep, because those two have to be on one accord- in agreement with one another). YOU ARE ENOUGH! Short and straight to the point, maybe you are too much for some, everybody is not ready for you! Everyone does not deserve access to you. Guess what? You have giving so much of you to people that were deserving, some who half deserved you and to make it plain and honest, to some that definitely didn’t deserve you. Now, let’s be clear, this includes all kinds of people and relationships in your life. Sometimes, one can give so much of themselves that one loses who they are and do not even know it or realize until self is unrecognizable. IT’S TIME TO RECLAIM YOUR TIME, PEACE OF MIND, AND ENERGY BACK!

One question for you, do you remember the “famous” clip from Auntie Maxine, (Congresswoman Maxine Waters of Ca.)? When she with a serious and stern look on her face repeated the phrase “Reclaiming My Time” when speaking to the Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, in a House Financial Services Committee hearing. It was in reference to him stalling on answering questions that she asked and wasting her time which resulted in her repeatedly restating the fact that she needed to reclaim her time. She wasn’t kidding at all but, that is EXACTLY how you have to be when it comes to your peace, personal time, energy that you give and deposit into other people, (and go on ahead and tell the truth here or shame the devil… lol). You, oftentimes make everyone else issues your own. Therefore, once again adding something else to your plate to weigh you down even more. Honestly, you cannot blame NO ONE but yourself. Nope, you can’t play the victim, especially when you did it to yourself. BLAME YOURSELF, BUT DONT BE TOO HARD ON YOU! LEARN AND KEEP MOVING!
“Don’t blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much for them.”
Acknowledge it, accept it, learn from it and keep moving forward, purposing not to repeat the same thing over and over again. You have to understand when the “ships” are healthy and benefit you and when they are not. You have to reclaim your time and understand that you are enough and if people don’t accept it or appreciate it, then it’s time to reclaim, keep your time for yourself, and keep it for the people that deserve and appreciate you. Pause, stop here and understand exactly what the word reclaim means. It means to retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given or paid); obtain the return of. THE TIME IS NOW!

Nevertheless, learning that not every person or thing deserves that type of access to you is a hard pill to swallow and admit. Though, you love and want to keep giving it you have to learn and be aware of the red flags when they present themselves, see and cut it immediately, right then and there. Yes, it is easier said than done. Maya Angelou said it best, “When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.” Stop giving people the benefit when they don’t deserve it or fumble the time to make haste or have a desire to meet you halfway. In any type of relationship, it takes two people to balance and work at it to make it work. People do not have the right to hurt, mistreat, use, take advantage of you and then act as if you are the problem.
No Ma’am! No Sir! That is what narcistic people do, instead of taking responsibility for their actions they in return try to make you feel bad and have the audacity to treat you like you did something to them. This definitely isn’t fair to you. Indeed, that is actually the worst thing someone that you love and care about can do to you, especially not to even acknowledge how they treated, hurt, disappointed you and act as if your feelings do not matter. IT IS TIME TO RECLAIM YOUR TIME NOW!
You are enough for the people that respect, honor, desire, love, appreciate you and want you in their lives (that means admitting when wrong, accepting responsibilities for one’s actions, no confusions, no games, no tit for tat, no evil words, no disrespect, not always having to be right or having the last word, and making themselves a priority over all things- love is not selfish).
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8,13 (NIV) says: 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.8 Love never fails. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Yes, life has a way of teaching lessons in everything that one may go through; good or bad, healed or hurt, still, sometimes when red flags are ignored it causes loss in time, energy, health issues, unnecessary stress, more heartbreak, it causes impediments in one’s life interfering with personal goals, and also can affect the way other or new people are perceived at introduction. One of the most surprising instances relating to people in life and in relationships is that you can know someone for a long time, whether you met in childhood, college, as an adult they feel because they have known you for a while that you will always be there even when they mistreat you and take you for granted. It’s also imperative to understand there are not any limits on the length of time that you can know someone, people in all seasons of life can hurt you. However, when you know better you do better.

One thing about life is, if the lesson is not learned, it will keep repeating itself in different forms until learned. Therefore, right now, IT IS TIME TO RECLAIM YOUR TIME NOW! Time waits on no one and with one blink of an eye life can change and, in that moment, you will realize all of the time you’ve deprived yourself of the love, respect, and the desires of your heart that you truly deserve. HOLD UP, if you are beating yourself up, DON’T for that reason alone, without experiencing the hurt you wouldn’t know what it really means to have joy and appreciate it when it comes. In the words of Frankie Beverly and Maze, “
“Over and over, you can be sure
There will be sorrow, but you will endure (you will endure)
Where there’s a flower there’s the sun and the rain
Oh, but it’s wonderful, they’re both one and the same
Joy and pain are like sunshine and rain
Joy and pain are like sunshine and rain”

On the contrary, to what some may believe a lot of parents are hurt and heart broken by the actions and words of their children. They bend over backwards for their children; young, teen and adult ages that take advantage of them and make them feel less than human. This by far has to be the worst kind of hurt and betrayal coming from someone you birthed, someone you created from your own DNA, and someone you loved before you even laid eyes on them, knowing that you would stop at nothing to give them the world. Yeah, it’s hard to fathom, however, this type of heartbreak happens more frequently than you know. Therefore, if this applies to you, YOU TOO ARE ENOUGH! IT IS TIME TO RECLAIM YOUR TIME NOW! You have to interchange to put all of that love, energy, sleepless nights, time and focus back into yourself. It’s time to forgive yourself, and your child and realize that you have done the best that you can, and that life does not come with a handbook. You have to KNOW that you as a parent is a learner as well as a teacher, you did your best. Now, it’s time to reflect, regroup and RECLAIM, all of the tears you have cried and things that you have endured for your children and know that in your heart YOU ARE ENOUGH and when the time is right everything that you have set out to teach your children will come in full circle. It is time to let go and let GOD. In life rebirth and restoration comes in due time, the prodigal child will return when you least expect it, and your heart has had time to forgive, heal and accept what has occurred between you and your child(ren) and that it will work itself out when the time is appointed. Pray, release and move forward the best way you know how. All you have to do is take one step at a time and take it one day at a time. Love and focus on you more. You deserve it.

Nevertheless, there is so much time and energy wasted on waiting for people that continually cause hurt, indifference, uncertainty in your life to realize their wrongs and purpose to change for the better, change in behavior or even offer an apology and realization of the mistakes and hurt they have caused you. However, in reality that time may never come or not when you want it. As a result, you have to learn to protect your heart, mind, peace, energy and spirit at all times. You have to remember that you come first and that you cannot afford to keep placing yourself on the back burner. If you continue to do so you will always need to RECLAIM YOUR TIME. Why wait? Do it now. YOU ARE ENOUGH! IT’S TIME TO RECLAIM YOUR TIME, PEACE OF MIND, AND ENERGY BACK!
Remember, you are Zoetic and Revamped (Alive and Improved), with each new day you have a chance to get it right! Peace and Blessings on your journey to reclaiming your time, renewing, protecting, loving yourself better and taking care of “ALL” of YOU.
Signing out,
Your girl, Taren Yolanda