What do you do when you are hopeful but tired? It seems like no matter how hard you push yourself to stay positive especially during times such as this, Yep, I am talking about the COVID pandemic. I really should not have any room for complaint when I know that there are millions of people without a job, food to eat, money in their pockets (not even enough to just go get something out of the vending machine) and do not have a roof over their heads, well, at least not the roof they worked so hard to get and maintain before the pandemic came. So, that brings me to the question I ask myself what reason do you have to be tired. Many that know me know that I am not a complainer but, even with that said can I get mad if I can’t get the things that I worked hard to get or it is taking too long to happen in my opinion. And, let’s be clear, I am not talking about material things here, I am solely talking about moving up the career ladder , to being hopeful in relationships and friendships as well, it all applies.
Yeah, I am very grateful to be at a place of employment in my field and very close to the part that will push me right where my purpose will takeover. Consequently, let’s just be honest here this thing about just getting your foot in the door and then once your foot is in there you will get noticed and get the position you really want. You will finally be operating in your purpose. HEY, NOW that sounds wonderful. However, Now, I am the most patient person in the world but, I too wonder, When is my time coming? When I ask that question. Does it mean that I am getting weary? I know that it tells me in the Bible, to not get weary in well doing (Galatians 6:9) and one of my favorite verses I absolute love and live by says, “Hope anchors the soul” (Hebrews 6:19). The reason why I love that verse so much is that it simply tells us without hope who knows where our thoughts, actions, and doubt will take us. Oooooh, I know it with take us right into the hands of the enemy and his followers that are happily and hungrily roaming the earth for it’s next member.

Our thoughts are so powerful. It also tells us that whatever a man thinks he is in his heart is what he is (Proverbs 23:7). In order for all of us to get out of this pandemic and any situation or difficult challenge that we are facing we have to always remain hopeful, keep our thoughts positive and peaceful. Yep, I’m pretty sure you have figured me out, here I go with another Bible verse, the only way to keep our thoughts from betraying us and leading us astray, we have to constantly think on good and pure things, things that make our soul feel good, and just brings out the absolute best in us, especially during those moments or days that we are allowed to feel how we want, but, we have to constantly pull ourselves through it. Philippians 4:8, tells us, “… whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” So, tell me why do you think that it is suggested that we think on good things and not the negative things that are happening around us?
The reason is simply because if we cloud our minds with everything that is going wrong in our lives we will never appreciate the good or remain hopeful for better to come into our lives. And, the most important reason is that when our thoughts are everywhere it’s so easy for us to think with our emotions and then we act on them, knowing that anything goes when that happens. We start to say or do things that hurt the people around us, NO, it’s not intentional but that is a result of not having a sound mind, again, ANYTHING GOES. You ever heard the saying misery loves company. That is exactly what happens when our thoughts are scattered every where. We lose focus on the goal at hand, the bigger picture. We feel some type of way so we want to destroy the joy that others have so that they can feel the same way that we do. Now, who wants to be in the company of some one like that?
As a result, guess what that leads to, ISOLATION. Yep, right where the enemy wants us. He wants us to lose all hope and faith and just sulk in misery thinking that this is all that life has to offer. Nope, life has to offer so much more. We have to regroup, refocus, readjust, revamp (improve), reaffirm the promises that God has for us, and renew our faith by reading and believing the word daily. I call them the 7 R’s. Let me tell you there is nothing wrong with falling off and then getting back up. It makes us stronger and tougher for the next time. You know what happens when we don’t remain hopeful? We have nothing to look forward to and therefore, we get comfortable with complaining and just looking for temporary fixes in all areas of our life. Simply, because we have lost hope from being tired. However, You know the enemy only comes for one purpose, according to John 10:10, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”
Regroup, refocus, readjust, revamp (improve), reaffirm, renew and read daily. I call them the 7 R’s.
Let’s think about this for a minute, what does it mean to steal, kill, and destroy your joy? If the enemy is capable of succeeding, he steals our thoughts and they become deceptive so we make false judgment, killing our vision to see what is meant for us, and he destroys our joy by making us believe that what is meant to be isn’t for us. The enemy tries the hardest to get you isolated (thinking you do not need anyone, that’s why you forced them out of your life), not thinking that what you are going through is working for your good, he gets in your thoughts and tries to pull you all the way from all of the things that God has instore for you. The enemy specializes in deceit and deceptions. Do you want him to win? On the contrary, God wants us to live life abundantly and know that all things are working for our good even when life seems like it is falling apart. It is really coming together and you are walking in your purpose.
Loves, I am here to tell you that in this moment you are right where you are suppose to be, you just have to stay hopeful especially when tired. You know just when we feel like we can not take it anymore or life just gets too hard that is usually when your biggest blessing is coming , all that you have been hopeful and trusting God for. Don’t give up hope, be encouraged. Remember, hope anchors the soul, for a lack of better words, hope keeps you grounded and continuously moving forward even when it is a challenge, because you know something bigger is on the way. When we are tired, we can easily be distracted from our purpose, which will cause us to go through the wilderness like the children of Israel, before we get to the destination that is purposed for us.
Sure, life has our emotions, thoughts and feelings on a continuous roller coaster ride. Unfortunately, guess what, that is life. We have to keep moving and striving for the best that life has to offer us, and to run the race (of life) with patience because in the end the race is not won by the fastest person. It is won by the person that endures the most. Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith”. Endurance strengthens your character and it prepares you for other challenging times that are sure to come in life.

Hey loves. Thanks for stopping by. I hope someone is encouraged wth this blog post. Keep living life Zoetic and Revamped. Remember, you are going to get through it day by day, you are a conqueror, you are awesome, you are loved, you are worth it, you are beautiful and that LOVE CONQUERS ALL, especially self love! Please enter your email address, so that you are notified when my next blog is published.
Totally Zoetic and Revamped,
Taren Yolanda
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