“What if you could not do anything because you do not have control over it? And, you simply have to wait and be patient for it all to unfold accordingly. All that you can do and the ONLY option left for you is to TRUST THE PROCESS.”
~Taren Yolanda
Hello Loves! I have to deeply inhale and slowly exhale on this one myself. Have you ever just felt stuck, and seems like you aren’t moving at all, your life is not going the way you pictured or hoped it would? It seems like things are off balance, you are losing friends, family members aren’t the same, you are not where you want to be in your career, relationship or just life in general, things keep going wrong and it seems like you are never on the straight and narrow path. Then, not to mention, it seems like everyone around you is living, enjoying life and you are experiencing heartbreak, loss, anxiety, whatever it may be that is bothering you and you are wondering, what is this about? What is next? What can I do? What if you could not do anything because you do not have control over it? And, you simply have to wait and be patient for it all to unfold accordingly. All that you can do and the ONLY option left for you is to TRUST THE PROCESS. What exactly does that mean?
In life we are faced with difficulties, setbacks and even disappointments whether they are in our personal lives or a loved one is struggling with something and we do not have the solution to solve their problems and or make life a little easier for the both of us. The older I become the more I understand that in order to get to the next step in life there are going to be somethings and times that we just have to put on our best foot forward and keep it moving. Don’t misunderstand me. I do understand that sometimes we just are tired, feel defeated, our patience has worn off, our hopes or gone, our energy is down and we do not know which way is right or which way is wrong.

So, what do we do? Let me reiterate it again. We trust the process. Process is defined as a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. With that said, another reason why we have to trust the process is that we will not achieve our ultimate goal and our expected end if we do not take the necessary steps and actions that it takes to get through the process. Without the process we will not understand or appreciate what we will gain once it is over. That is in reference to wisdom, knowledge, prosperity and growth. In order words, let’s use one of my favorite analogies, if you are growing two types of rose bushes when the first bush blooms, you are so anxious for the next bush to bloom that you are not appreciating the beauty of the first one. When we do not learn and appreciate the processes that we go through (yes, in life we will have many) we will not enjoy the end result when we finally get there.
“Nothing worth having comes easy’ Trust the process.”
Napz Cherub Pellazo
Believe me when I say this, I know that sometimes things seem unbearable like you will never catch a break but there is beauty in everything that we go through. Nope, It is not easy, not at all. However, every piece of the crying, hurt, frustration, cursing, loss of hope, not being able to wrap your mind and thoughts around all that is or has happened in your life, will all work for your good. Sure, when are going through it we do not see it that way, and yes, it is always easier said than done but we have to continue to keep the faith and yes trust that in the end that all things are a part of your design plan and purpose, even when we don’t understand.
Proverbs 3: 5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.” What does this statement mean to you? Well, let me explain what I think it means in layman’s terms ( a fancy word meaning break it down), it simply means that we should not try to understand with our own thought process why we are going through what we are going through. Think about it for a sec! When we get into our thoughts our minds are all over the place and causes us to be stressed with a million thoughts that aren’t even the reason. As a result, our emotions come in to play and everything that is going on in our minds are playing out in real life by our actions. Sometimes, well, I’m going to say most times the correct thing to do is to sit back, accept the fact that at this or that moment in our lives we have no control over what is going on, and lastly, we must continue to keep moving and operating in life the best way we know how, trust God and know that in due time all will be revealed at the right time.
Ok, hold on one minute. Do we understand what it really means to TRUST? Trust is assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. So, when we say that we are trusting the process that means that we are confident and assured that we are strong enough to get through whatever obstacles that we are facing knowing and believing that the end result will be worth all of the uncertainty. In life there will be times that we are going to be happy, sad, hurt or indifferent.

We have to always remember that there is an appointed time for everything in our life. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.” (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 KJV) As long as we are on this earth we are gonna face trials and tribulations, however, it is up to each and every one of us to handle it appropriately and act accordingly. You know like the old folks say, “Trouble don’t last always!”
In the end, we all are entitled to dwell in our feelings and emotions and let them control or stress us out, if that is what one may decide to choose. Now, on the other hand, one may decide to stay in faith, prayer and know that all things are working for their good even when it is hard to fathom; it seems like there is no way out and the process seems never ending. The key to getting through it, NOPE, NOT SAYING IT IS EASY, but , is to keep in your mind that it is ONLY a test. A test to see how strong you are and how you will react, learn from what you are going through and also, if you have learned enough to openly and willingly allow perseverance, change, growth, and truth lead you. The teacher is always silent through the test, all we can do is use our trials and tribulations as preparation to pass the test, and a reminder that when situations and circumstances are out of our control, that means with people as well as instances… ALL WE CAN DO IS TRUST THE PROCESS.
There is always gonna be someone or something that tries to keep you off balance. You should already know that when adversity is present it keeps coming until we master how we react to it. I’m still learning this as I trust my process. In this season of my life I understand that my test is to correct the way I receive things and how I respond to them. I was just tested as I am finishing this blog and I half way handled it like I should have. OOOPs, Not perfect at all. Hey, I’m still a masterpiece in the works, learning daily. That’s why it is important to be kind, patient and understanding with self above anyone and anything else. It is so important to master self control, learn how to maintain and protect your peace and still find it in your heart to love through it all. Patience and perseverance is hard but, it is also a virtue. You will appreciate and will most certainly deserve and earn the reward that is a result of trusting the process. Be encouraged and be kind to yourself. You don’t want to miss the purpose of your lesson-with emotions and not trusting the process and what you are to gain from it, AND, neither do I. Remember, You are, I am and We are all Zoetic and Revamped (Alive, living and improved). We Got This!!!! Peace and Blessings!

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Taren Yolanda