Hello loves. I hope that you are enjoying the site so far. One of the best things about being ZOETIC and REVAMPED is mastering self control and accepting change. Ok, so now the question is: do you really know what self control means? Self control is the power to restrain something, especially one’s own emotion or action.
Yeah, I know sometimes life gives us its butt and it’s bent over backwards for us to kiss, as my grandmother always says. But, what if we all took whatever comes to us (the good and the bad) in strides. See, what I have learned over the years is that life reacts how we react if that makes sense. For an example, when one moment or thing goes bad, what do we always say? “If it’s not one thing, it’s another” or “I can’t win for losing“, oh and last but definitely not least, my favorite, “It’s always something going on”! How many of you say that? I know I’m guilty of a few. However, once you speak that into the atmosphere, you end of having a horrible day. Let’s purpose to change the way we handle defeat, adversity or just ignorant people in general.
Question, what do you think would happen if you practice everyday to think, speak positive and always purpose to have peace in all that you do, which includes having a peace of mind especially with your thoughts and peace in your actions. We all have fell or is falling right now, in this moment, into the habit of letting things, people, situations or circumstances take our peace away. You know why because we all have not yet learned to master self control. Guess what? Today, is the day to start, learning not to let those things or people push us to act out of character is our ultimate goal. As a result, of us desiring and making a covenant with ourselves to protect our peace, and mastering self control you know we are about to be tempted like the serpent tempted EVE right? Opportunities for us to lose self control is going to come from every angle and direction. Unfortunately, it will come from family, friends, spouses, co workers, a random stranger in the grocery store or driving on the road, y’all know how we are with road rage. LOL! I mean tempted to lash out like you would if someone ate that last piece of chocolate cake that you were saving JUST for your cheat day. Remember, it is only a test and not worth you losing your self control. We are gonna take it one day at a time. AGREED!
“Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself.”
― Elie Wiesel
Here are a list of ways to start mastering self control:
- Know yourself and your limits
- We are our biggest critics. Don’t be so hard on yourself, keep the promises that you make to yourself (if you mess up it is ok to start over again until you master it.)
- Loosen Up- Life is suppose to be fun.
- Be consistent with yourself and others.
- Relax and make room for REST.
- Be mindful and purposeful about your environment (If it is not peaceful…RUN)
- Create boundaries with EVERYONE (yep, Mom is included here).
- Pray/Meditate Daily- ( beginning of the day and End of the day) You can meditate on your favorite Bible verse- your favorite quote. Whatever you choose just as long as it brings you peace.
- IGNORE– everything and everybody does not need a response or freely giving them a platform to cause disorder, disfunction or chaos in your life. Believe it or not many thrive to get a reaction out of you. They want you to transfer your power and steal your peace. DO NOT LET THEM WIN! CHANGE THE WAY YOU FIGHT!
- Keep the faith that you will succeed at mastering self control and always hope for the best even when life seems like it is going every way but up.
- Last, but not least, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE yourself enough to acknowledge that you are not perfect and each and EVERY day is a stepping stone to a better you. Start correcting the things affected by your actions that may hinder your purpose in life.
Yesterday, I was clever, So I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
Mastering self control is also accepting change. Often times, we are scared of change and want to stay where we are comfortable, familiar, and to be honest we are quite ok with life at the moment. Especially, comfortable with people whose time should have been up in our life along time ago, our old way of thinking, normal daily routine, and our old habits. Yes, Absolutely, we all fall victim to being comfortable with our lives just the way it is and not willingly ready to accept change.

We run from it, but, unfortunately change is inevitable my loves. Change is not necessarily an awful thing. Change represents growth transformation, and maturity. I’ll tell you what, let’s think about the life cycle of a butterfly and all of the changes that it had to go through to become beautiful, without those different stages of changes the transformation of butterflies would not exist in all of it’s beauty. Similar, to the changes that we have to go through to become our best selves. Change also works in compliance with mastering self control and retaining your peace. Both, operate hand in hand. You have to be willing to change your mind, your way of thinking, and the way you react to certain people and situations. You can’t keep thinking the same way and feel that you will master self control, it is impossible.
Moving forward, let’s take small steps in accepting change. For an example, when we get angry, instead of venting to people (you know sometimes people opinions are flawed and bias) how about you write down how you are feeling and examine how you could handle it or have handled it differently especially if it happens again. Often times, we first need to think through and examine our own actions when situations or circumstances happen. Change is about maturity, growth and prosperity. Whether we are mastering self control, retaining and protecting our peace, change is the icing on the cake. The paramount piece that connects the whole masterpiece-of our being, who we are and who we are striving to become, in order to fulfil our divined purpose while we are here on earth.
Remember, it’s great and a blessing to be ZOETIC and REVAMPED (alive and improved). Keep pushing loves, one day at a time we are mastering self control with peace and making and accepting the necessary changes that are required to grow and exercise wisdom in all that we do.
Peace and blessings!
It’s never too late to change your life for the better. You don’t have to take huge steps to change your life. Making even the smallest changes to your daily routine can make a big difference to your life.
Roy T. Bennett
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